Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Hundreds of millions of people around the world will see Intel’s "Multiply" ad campaign by New Year’s Eve. At New York City’s most famous intersection, Times Square, passers-by are surrounded by 15 LED Intel TV billboards, and six static billboards—some of them seven stories high.

By New Year’s Eve, Intel's 31-day campaign will have been broadcast on TVs worldwide.

Times Square Baby Yea!!!

We may have not reached the summit of Mount Kinabalu yet, but we've already conquered a HUGE electronic BILLBOARD in TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK! And I believe we made it in time for New York's New Year's Countdown.

Here's how COOL we looked like on those BILLBOARDS.

This is soooo cool! :P Just imagine how many people have their heads held high (with necks aching) looking at our image. HAHAHA!

This isn't any hoax -- visit www.multiplyyourself.com and enter the code 4086678055 in "find your photo" section.


At 11:23 AM, Blogger trekkota said...

hi, business man:
look at the time you update the blog, haha. be carefull, dont caught by Ria.
i like that pic
i like that pic posted on time square.
i would like we three could be there when screen showed the pic.
Anyway, we are already shown on most famous media, so we are famous now:) need to care our behaviors in order to build a good image to our fans!

At 6:42 PM, Blogger patricia said...

amazing!! so your photo is part of the ad or is it the whole ad? really cool...

At 7:27 AM, Blogger trekkota said...

11:23 AM - that's also a working hour. hahaha!

yes, good image. we better contact britney spears for some advice :)

patricia, we're part of the ad. but i must say that our photo embodies the "multiply" campaign. look at that! the pose, the concept, the angle - perfect! :P


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