on my last post, i introduced to you the 3 stooges: cutie, biggie and hardcore. today, we've had a bonding session by talking over the phone for almost half day. ofcourse we were mixing business and pleasure. besides, it's TGIF. so anyway, amidst the so stressful day at work, a lot of funny things came up during the conversation, but one thing that really stood out for me was that we talked in codenames and tongues -- a language only us can understand.
beginning today we're calling ourselves "ducks" ... no, howlake changed it to "d'ucks" ... but i thought of something cooler, which i'm gonna propose to them next week. we'll call ourselves "d'cks" (i'm taking out the emphasis on the "u" to make it sound like you know what). hahaha!!!
imagine this as an opening credit for a movie:
quick flashes of our faces (serious expression) then fade to black...
zooming in: D'CKS
then a voice over while a text is being typed-in ...
D ' C K S
a team where there's no
U or I
the etimology of the name will be revealed next time through a photo.
going back, so we conversed in codenames and tongues because of the confidentiality of our topic. although sometimes we had to stop and clarify something by revealing the real terms -- it was really more of checking whether we're still on the same page. i find it real cool, because it's our first time to talk this way and we just proved yet again that us three have this different kind of connection. you know how it works for twin siblings? i dont. hahaha! seriously, it's like that -- only we're triplets. hahaha!!! no seriously, we have the same wavelength. and if you happen to just watch and listen to us -- it's like watching a comedy sitcom. punchlines every 5 seconds. it's amazing! to think we havent met each other yet. the world's just wonderful.
i cant wait to meet my long lost brothers.
did i tell you that im the middle child? and i don't have the syndrome. cool!